Friday, March 7, 2014

G+ For Bloggers

I have been playing around with g+ for awhile now, and I love it!!! It's a bloggers paradise, I can see what all my favorite bloggers are blogging about or sharing. That's the other thing I like about g+, I can easily share other bloggers posts, and they can do the same with mine.

Okay I must admit the circles thing baffled me for awhile, but I got that figured out. By placing bloggers in different circles it allows you to share with all of them, or pick which ones you want to share with. So, say I post a blog that is geared more towards my friends I can share with just them. However, I want to share with the public, and all my circles, so I can choose to share with both. Note that sharing with your circles does not include whoever you are following, so you want to select them as well. For me anyway that is where all my blogger buddies are. You can however, create new circles, I didn't know this before, or I would have created my blogs circle earlier.
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Help others find what you are blogging about by including hash tags. So, if your blog  post is about gardening, add the hash tag #gardening, if it is organic gardening #organic gardening. You can tag each post as you need to, sharing a DIY, #DIY, and so on, it's easy and makes it easy for others to find your posts.

Looking for something, just go to browse, and type in the hash tag you are looking for, #gluten free recipes, #DIY bathroom. For most searches multiple suggestions will come up allowing you to chose from a list of suggestions. There will also be posts shared by others on the topic that will come up as well.

When creating your profile put your blog address in for where you work, this will appear on your profile allowing people to be able to go straight to your blog. Also  I participate in a link up just for g+ called grow your circles, and believe more like this will be popping up.

One mistake I feel participates are making is leaving their name, I change it to my blog name, or what I blog about. If all I see is a name I am not clicking on it, which is what most other bloggers do. If I see the blog title, which should give me a clue to what the blog is about I will click on it if it interests me. By leaving just your name there is no way to tell what your blog is about, and if most people are like me, and I believe they are we are not going to click on it.

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On your profile page you can edit the cover by hoovering the cursor over the image. I recommend changing it  to your blog title image, you can edit your photo, or name in the same manner. To edit or add other information you will be given prompts on your profile, they just recently changed this, this way.

Oh and lastly, but most important make sure you have a button for others to follow, and share your posts on g+. I have visited some blogs where I wanted to share or follow them, and there was no button, how sad was I. Now I am not a g+ expert, but I'm working on it. Those on blogger will have no problem adding a follow button, or badge along with a share button. I have a blog on which I no longer blog on, and there is no way to add a g+ button from thier tools.

Okay this is alot to process, and will serve for a starter, I'll post another blog concerning other aspects of g+ including how to add a g+ follow button to WordPress. Hope you found this helpful, If you did leave me a message, other wise see you on g+.

Do you use g+ to share your post, or find other bloggers? If so do you love it as much as I do?

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