Thursday, December 13, 2012

Turmeric Milk/Golden Milk

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 Turmeric has been used as natural medicine for not hundreds, but thousands or years. While it has many benefits, I was interested in how Indians have used this to cure colds, and sore throats, but it is also said to be a great immune booster. I first learned about it for this use while researching turmeric, I saw a video of an Indian woman making some. Months later the boys came down with sore throats, and I remembered the Turmeric milk/Golden milk.

As I searched the internet for the recipe I found that there are a lot of different recipes out there. My 16 year old is not thrilled with my passion for using herbs for healing however, my 14 year old is more willing to try whatever I prepare. So, ingredients were important to me, one had peppercorns, and I knew that would not go over good. Shoot I wasn't even thrilled with the thought of drinking something made with peppercorns. After searching through many sites I settled on the recipe below I found at Frugally Sustainable.

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1/4 cup organic Turmeric root powder
1 tbsp organic raw virgin coconut oil
1/2 cup of filtered water
Optional 1 tsp each of ground true cinnamon, ground ginger, and ashwagandha powder.

I had some organic cinnamon sticks, and used two whole sticks.

First you need to create a paste, take all the herbs, and oil, and mix them together in a pot with 1/2 cup of water. Be sure to continuously stir the mixture so it will not burn, bring it to a boil, and than immediately reduce the heat to a simmer until the paste thickens. Place paste in a glass jar, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 10-14 days. Be sure to label the jar Turmeric milk/Golden milk along with the date it was made.

To use the paste simply add 1 tsp to a the milk of your choice, and even add some honey to sweeten it up a bit. I made this with warm raw milk, one thing we learned quickly was to stir the milk each time before drinking. The paste has a tendency to sit at the bottom of  the cup, I am sure if you were to boil the milk it would dissolve easier. You could also serve this cold by placing the milk, paste, and some ice in a blender, and blending until smooth.

We drank one cup a day until symptoms subsided, this could be drank on a daily basis through the cold, and  flu season. Be aware that just like any other herbs it may effect any medications you are taking. Nursing and pregnant woman should not drink Turmeric, could also cause stomach upset if to  much is ingested along with diarrhea. To find out what all the side effects are do your homework or consult with a health care professional.

This post shared at Wildcrafting Wednesday and here.


  1. Thanks Joyce! I've been looking around for a turmeric milk recipe. Glad to to find your post. Will try it tomorrow. Happy holidays! :)

  2. Hi Joyce!
    Following you on Linky from the blog hop. Love your blog!
    Katie from the simple lane

  3. I've been using more turmeric for the cancer fighting abilities. This sounds like a great way to consume even more! Thanks for sharing on Wildcrafting Wednesdays!

  4. Thanks for sharing on Wildcrafting Wednesday! :)

  5. Tumeric is also wonderful for helping digestion and weightloss/management. Thank you for sharing this!!

    I hope you're having a great week my dear!
    Thank you so much for linking up to last week's Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I'm following you.

    If you have time, we'd love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't already! We are hosting a great giveaway too which is a wonderful opportunity to give some extra exposure to you lovely blog. Come and link up, enter the giveaway and celebrate the coming weekend with us!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}

  6. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to comment. Turmeric is a wonderful herb with a variety of uses, thanks for sharing some of the other benefits.

    Stay tuned I also have a recipe for a face mask.

  7. Thanks for sharing on Wildcrafting Wednesday! Be sure to vote for our People's Choice Awards from Wednesday the 26th through Jan 4th at:

  8. Thanks for Sharing!

    Here are few suggestions:
    1. Turmeric powder could be added in luke warm milk and after steering it could be drank. If adding Sugar, it may not help as much.
    2. Turmeric in milk for longer periods (say more than 3 months) continously may cause constipation. So take a STOP /BREAK of around 15 days in between.
    3. It dramatically increases resistance power /immune system.
    4. Turmeric by nature is "Ushna" (hot) in nature so avoid its consistence use in late or early stages of pregnancy.
    5. The BEST way to use turmeric is use it in fried forms- vegetables or soups or dals.



  9. Very Informative page, I hope it will be useful for all of us. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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